March 22, 2007

Syracuse Debates Creating Ombuds

The latest Academic Senate meeting at Syracuse University turned into a contentious debate over three proposals by the Vice Chancellor and Provost Committee on Academic Integrity (VPCAI). The recommendations were that the university: 1. make academic integrity a key institutional priority; 2. initiate a procedure to ensure fairness to those accused of violating academic integrity expectations; and 3. create an ombuds office to receive concerns of integrity by members of the university community. As for the ombuds office, Elet Callahan, VPCAI Chair, said. "We believe that this office is needed because it will promote an institutional culture that is characterized by trust." Despite Callahan's explanations, there was still confusion about the ombuds role. Said one faculty member, "I have no idea what the hell an ombuds is." (The Daily Orange.) ... and that is the quote of the week.

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