February 11, 2019

Argonne National Laboratory Selects First Ombuds

Bradley Ginn, CO-OP, will be the first Laboratory Ombuds for the U.S. Department of Energy's national science and engineering research facility in Lemont, Illinois. Ginn will report to the Lab Director and set up an Office of the Ombuds for all members of the Argonne community. For the past five and a half years, Ginn was the founding Ombuds at Northeastern Illinois University. Until very recently, he also co-chaired the Professional Development Committee for IOA. (LinkedIn.)

Related posts: Northeastern Illinois University Debuts Ombuds Office. Coalition of Federal Ombuds Welcomes New DOE Ombuds; U.S. Secretary of Energy Endorses Ombuds; ACUS Finalizes Recommendation on Use of Ombuds in Federal AgenciesJob Posting.


  1. Congratulations Brad! Glad to see Argonne opening up an Ombuds office. -Reese
