April 30, 2019

ENOHE Adds Training Day to 2019 Conference Agenda

For the first time, the European Network of Ombudsmen in Higher Education will offer a day-long training in conjunction with its annual conference. The full-day, pre-conference workshop will work through a fictional student complaint on June 25, 2019. ENOHE's fifteenth annual conference, "Defending and Protecting Rights within Higher Education: Stocktaking, Looking Ahead," will be hosted by the University of León June 26-28. 

Here's an outline of the program:

Who we are and what we do — open-house on participants' roles in our different countries and institutions.

Introducing Mary... - the complaint as presented. Initial thoughts, what do we know, what do we need to find out, how might we tackle this complaint?


The plot thickens — considering the correspondence. Where do we go from here?

Lunch and networking.


Quick re-cap and stock-taking.


Who we are and what we do — open-house on participants' roles in our different countries and institutions.


Continuing our investigation — who else do we need to consult? What new information emerges? How might this change our views?


Reaching a decision, based on all the evidence — drafting the report, considering follow-up action, analysing what our institution has learnt from this complaint.


Final thoughts and feedback — how did this exercise fit with our day-jobs back home?

(ENOHE 2019 Conf Training.)

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