October 04, 2024

Job Posting: European Molecular Biology Laboratory

EMBL, the intergovernmental laboratory for the life sciences in Heidelberg, Germany, seeks its next Ombudsperson. The search will fill a position established by Martina Peskoller-Fuchs in 2015. The position serves about staff members, local staff, fellows, trainees and visitors at sites across Europe, including: Hinxton near Cambridge, Grenoble, Hamburg, Rome, and Barcelona. The EMBL Ombuds will serve a five-year term and is renewable to nine years. 

Applicants must have a relevant university degree or equivalent; at least 10 years of professional experience, preferably in an intergovernmental organization and/or a scientific or higher education environment; and very good knowledge of English and at least one other of EMBL’s official languages (French and German). The position will pay at least € 5,100 after taxes and benefits. Applications are due by October 10, 2024. (EMPB Posting.)

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