July 15, 2024

Meet the Ombuds at the University of Lisbon

Maria Fernanda Oliveira was appointed the Student Ombudsman for Universidade de Lisboa in February 2022. She provides assistance with academic matters and serves a student body of 48,000 at the largest university in Portugal. She was appointed to a a four-year term by the General Council of the University. 

Oliveira has worked at ULisboa since 1992 and is an Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Sciences. In addition to her research and teaching, she has held several administrative positions. As the Student Ombuds, her role is defined by the university's pedagogical councils, Social Action Services and student associations. (ULisboa Provedor do Estudante, Noticas.)


  1. "Oliveira has worked at ULisbia" - was this a typo?
