June 05, 2024

Czech and Polish University Ombuds Gather for First Meeting

On March 8-9, 2024, the national Czech and Polish University Ombuds networks held their first joint meeting. Members of the two associations executive committees met symbolically on both sides of the Olše River: the Polish Academic Network for Safety and Equality (Akademicka Sieć Bezpieczeństwa i Równości) and the Czech School Ombuds Platform (ŠOP). The meeting was hosted on the campus of the Silesian University in Katowice first ever meeting took place in Szczecin, Poland,

Executive committee members discussed joint initiatives as well as the challenges facing the two organizations of University Ombuds. These included physical and social safety on university campuses and ensuring the independence and effectiveness of Ombuds in light of the dynamic changes in Czech and Polish society. Both associations consider the international exchange of experience in the Central European region important and have agreed on further cooperation and working meetings.

The membership of the Polish Academic Network Executive Committee shared how they work together on specific thematic priorities (e.g. the use of alternative dispute resolution in academia, trans rights as learners, the use of gender-sensitive language) and how they communicate with the membership and the professional community. The discussion also considered the financial constraints which are limiting the activities of the associations in both countries.

The SOP also shared their experience with campus security following the December attack on the Faculty of Arts in Prague, which led to a discussion of how both societies could help Ombuds address the mental health of students and employees. Both the Polish and Czech networks will look for ways to cooperate in the future: for example through joint projects, publications (articles, research) or study visits. Overall, the two-day were encouraging and should lay a foundation for closer cooperation and shared efforts to support more University Ombuds in Central Europe.

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