July 17, 2024

COFO 2024 Annual Conference: Call for Presentations

The Coalition of Federal Ombuds is now accepting proposals to present at its 2024 Annual Conference on Friday, October 25, 2024. The conference will be a hybrid event, with an in-person conference in Alexandria, Virginia, and a virtual component. COFO is soliciting proposals for both virtual and in-person presentations. 

Proposals from 15-minute micro-learning sessions up to 90-minute presentations will be considered, though 60 minutes is historically the most common session proposal. Additionally, COFO is again looking for “blips” – short creative or artistic presentations or interactive activities no longer than 5 minutes that reflect the creative talents of our community.

COFO’s membership is diverse in its practice, so substantive topics of interest to both internally- and externally-facing ombuds models are most likely to be selected. Topics specific to one model will only be considered if content is available to support concurrent sessions of interest to other models. The conference’s virtual platform and hybrid nature means that sessions designed for traditional presentation and Q&A rather than discussion-based breakouts are likelier to be approved, and the conference committee may require additional information about breakout management from the presenters before approving a proposal which includes breakouts.

COFO has no budget and is unfortunately unable to pay a presenter fee or travel costs. Registration for the COFO Annual Conference is free and typically draws over 200 attendees from across the ombuds profession and broader ADR community. Please email the title and description of your proposed presentation or blip, as well as the names, titles, affiliations, and bios of all presenters and whether you intend to present in person or virtually, by Monday, August 12, 2024 tothe COFO Chair, Paul Sotoudeh (COFO Website.)

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