This year, a Twitter hashtag (#IOA2010) for the IOA conference in New Orleans offered attendees and non-attendees a way to follow tweets about the event. Several IOA conference goers tweeted their impressions, including DA Graham (daspokesman), Lisa Witzler (PONLisa) and Andre Marin (Ont_Ombudsman). Although they did not attend, John Zinsser (ConBenAlchemist) and Lynn Connley (LynnConnley) also joined in the conversation.
April 5, 2010
- ombudsblog There are at least a dozen Organizational Ombuds offices within driving distance of New Orleans. #ioa2010
- daspokesman #IOA2010- conference time in two day! I'll see you in NOLA Wednesday!
- ombudsblog International Ombudsman Association 5th annual conference starts Wednesday in New Orleans. #ioa2010
- ombudsblog L.A. to LA for #ioa2010.
- LynnConnley #IOA2010 - have a great conference all, and keep the tweets coming so the rest of us can get a little NOLA flavor!
- ombudsblog Arrived in NOLA: 80◦, 90% humidity, chance of rain. #ioa2010
April 6
- ombudsblog Journal of IOA publishes latest issue in time for annual conf. Articles highlight effectiveness of Ombuds. #ioa2010
- ombudsblog 270 attendees expected at IOA conference. #ioa2010
- ConBenAlchemist RT @ombudsblog: 270 attendees expected at IOA conference. #ioa2010
- ombudsblog I can now heartily recommend Acme Oyster Co and Palace Cafe--both within walking distance of the Marriott. #ioa2010
- daspokesman #IOA2010- heading to New Orleans for the 5th annual IOA Conference this morning. Looking forward to learning and networking!
April 7
- ombudsblog RT @ConBenAlchemist: Sadly ABADR Section & IOA meet concurrently. Both w "crystal ball sessions" More at: . #ioa2010
- ombudsblog Roger Schwarz's Mutual Learning Model cannot be used by Ombuds without significant change to one practice or the other. #ioa2010
April 8
- daspokesman #IOA2010- welcome reception went well last night several people won goodie bags! Nice way to start the conference.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Also at the NO Marriott today: New Gingrich holds a Town Hall at 3 pm. I kid you not.
- daspokesman #IOA2010 - the certification exam is happening right now. The room looked full! We should have new CO-OPs soon!
- Ont_Ombudsman Reviewing my keynote address for the International Ombudsman Ass'n: #IOA2010
- Ont_Ombudsman Also looking forward to presenting: Twitter as a Tool of Moral Suasion. #IOA2010
- communicable RT @Ont_Ombudsman Also looking forward to presenting: Twitter as a Tool of Moral Suasion. #IOA2010
- Ont_Ombudsman @bdydbl thx! Topic's Ombudsman in Troubled Times. I've come to know a few things bout that! #ioa2010
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Gary Yamashita opening IOA conf announces beginning of dialoge on future of association.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Yamashita: When name (International Ombudsman Association) was chosen, it was aspirational.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 IOA 2010 has officially begun!
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Andre Marin welcomes IOA on behalf of the gov. of LA and Mayor of NOLA!
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 LSU Chancellor Michael Martin brings greetings from Gov Jindahl, offers praise for work of LSU Ombuds Kirsten Schwehm.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Martin credits LSU Ombuds with reducing litigation against university.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Organizers: put note on podium for non-ombuds speakers, it's 'ombuds' not 'omSbuds'.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 CORRECTION: Dr. Michael Martin, chancellor of LA state univ. welcomes IOA on behalf of the gov. of LA and Mayor of NOLA!
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Andre Marin keynote - When the Levee Breaks, the ombudsman in troubled times.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin describes the ombudsman as the oil in the machinery of organizations
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Marin has an impressive slide show tracking his remarks.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Pic of young Marin as first Canadian military ombudsman - curiously his hair was *longer* then.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin created the strategic ombudsman response team in his 1st role as ombuds in CA natl defense
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin urges ombuds to investigate in the open and shed the shroud of secrecy
- PONLisa #IOA2010 ombuds use the art of negotiation to persuade decisionmakers to implement our suggestions
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Marin's tactic of name and shame has beeb successful - Ontario govt has 100% of recommendations from his office.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin earned the trust of the public with his lottery investigation
- PONLisa #IOA2010 ombuds face threats externally and internally
- PONLisa #IOA2010 ombuds are not another layer in the buraucracy as many cost cutters believe
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Marin notes closure of several US ombuds office (actually, Brown will reopen it's ombuds office - appt to be announced soon).
- communicable I love that @ont_ombudsman's keynote is being live-tweeted! #ioa2010
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin says he is not paid to lob softballs
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin says to not be a loose cannon..."scheme virtuously"
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Marin says to not bite off more than u can chew w.i your organization
- PONLisa #IOA2010 ombuds use informality to resolve systemic issues rapidly
- Ont_Ombudsman Now that's funny! #ioa2010 Pic of young Marin as first Canadian military ombudsman - curiously his hair was *longer* then. (via @ombudsblog)
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Chuck Howard addressing conf - doesn't want to give hour-long infomercial for his new book.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - book was a labor of love.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Chuck Howard says "what you see depends on where you stand"
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard first litigated an ombuds privilege 20 years ago.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard wrote book primarily because 'ombuds' is confusing and misunderstood.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - most reported 'ombuds' cases in US are classical not organizational so judges are understandable confused.
- ConBenAlchemist really great to be able to follow IOA 2010 via all the tweets! Keep them coming! and love the #ioa2010 tag thing! JWZ
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - second motivation for book was to give a history to the profession. He had a hard time locating early association records.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Chuck Howard's book details the history and evolution of ombuds field in US
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - 3d motivation for book was to break down silos of compliance, conflict that orgs want to use but are inefficient.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - 4th motivation is that ombuds have not been effective enough explaining/justifying role.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard - Ombuds don't speak 'metric' that risk assessment/mgt professionals expect.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 to say you are confidential does NOT mean that you are. u must have a statute
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard's commitment to ombuds reflected by fact he is here instead of ABA Dispute Resolution conference in SF this week.
- daspokesman #ioa2010 Howard- book is about What, Why, How and other things ombuds should know.
- daspokesman #ioa2010- Howard's book over 600 pages
- PONLisa #IOA2010 in 2006 the law changed on electronically stored information (esi)
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard warns that there are limits to every privilege and ombuds should not expect to be an exception.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard was amazed by the paucity of data on the effectiveness of ombuds. IOA should make this a priority.
- PONLisa #IOA2010 where do we see the profession and field going? is IOA equipped to handle it?
- PONLisa #IOA2010 Howard asks where the feedback loop is in the IOA organization
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Howard would like ombuds to become part of organizational landscape just as compliance has. Is IOA prepared to do this?
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Local pollen count is very high
- Ont_Ombudsman Keynote went well. Very engaging audience #ioa2010
- Ont_Ombudsman Next up is my concurrent session Twitter as a Tool of Moral Suasion #ioa2010
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 IOA Board will hold a World Cafe this afternoon to solicit input on the future of the association.
- eljaydubya Ombudsmen (like @Ont_Ombudsman) are officially part of the Twittersphere - follow International Ombuds Assn. meet live via #ioa2010.
- ConBenAlchemist RT @ombudsblog: #ioa2010 Howard was amazed by the paucity of data on the effectiveness of ombuds. IOA should make this a priority.
- ConBenAlchemist RT @ombudsblog: #ioa2010 Howard - Ombuds don't speak 'metric' that risk assessment/mgt professionals expect.
- ConBenAlchemist RT @ombudsblog: #ioa2010 Howard - 4th motivation is that ombuds have not been effective enough explaining/justifying role.
- daspokesman #IOA2010 - concurrent session by Andre Marin using Twitter as a tool of moral suasion. Ombuds need to be multimedia literate!
- daspokesman #IOA2010 Marin - personal tweets are establishing ombuds as a real person.
- daspokesman #IOA2010- Marin -down fall of social interaction is habitual critics!
- ombudsblog #ioa2010. Correction: not "new IOA elects officers" but "IOA elects new officers."
- PONLisa #IOA2010 should ombuds serve on policy committees?
- ConBenAlchemist #ioa2010. Best Wishes to all the New and Returning IOA officers. Much to do. Godspeed and Good Luck
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Question for World Cafe process: "What does IOA need to be in the future?"
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Lots of good idea about how IOA might be different in the future.
April 9
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 IOA blood drive today will benefit NOLA, Haiti and other communities.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Dr. Sandy Stokes gives keynote on how ombuds can respond to academic mobbing.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Stokes - 5 phases of mobbing are isolation, assault, administrative complicity, labeling, and expulsion.
- daspokesman #IOA2010 - mobbers add up target's "sins"
- Ont_Ombudsman So long New Orleans, #ioa2010 was a huge success! See you next year!
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Conversations with the IOA Board - What members said at the World Cafe last night. Non-attendees will be surveyed soon for input.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 World Cafe themes: emphasize 'I' in IOA; depth of content & resources; become umbrella org; don't become diluted; leverage tech...
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 World Cafe themes (cont.): explore strategic ptrshps; ombuds for IOA; more ldrshp from Bd; participatory decision making...
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 World Cafe themes (cont.): less member accountability; more prof business mtgs; regional events; more mktg/advocacy; inclusivity.
- daspokesman #IOA2010 - caught in protest in front of Brennan's
- LynnConnley Hey @daspokesman and #IOA2010 - be careful to stay out of the way of the "Intolerants", & if anyone offers you some tea - just say no!
April 10
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Robert Bordone, Harvard Law School, giving final keynote on Managing Perceptions in Disputes.
- ombudsblog #ioa2010 Student Writing Competition winner Andrew Larratt-Smith: If IOA does not define an ombuds privilege, someone else will.
- daspokesman #IOA2010 - conference was great!
- GET_ENGAGED RT @Ont_Ombudsman Next up is my concurrent session Twitter as a Tool of Moral Suasion #ioa2010 - Would love to see that presentation!
April 12
- ombudsblog RT @Ont_Ombudsman: Check out When the Levee Breaks, my speech from last week in N'awlins: #ioa2010
Really great to be able to follow the conference this way.
ReplyDeleteOf course wish I could have been there with you all.
Glad we finally got to NOLA and showed some support.
Thanks to all you twitterers.