October 07, 2011

National Association of Realtors Will Train Ombuds at Annual Conference

When NAR holds its annual meeting in Anaheim, CA next month, attendees will be able to take a course in creating an Ombuds program for real estate disputes. A two hour session titled, "How to Develop a Local Ombudsman Program" will be offered on November 13.

The description published in conference materials states:
Having a local ombudsman program provides an opportunity for disputing parties to resolve their disagreement without needing to file a formal ethics complaint or arbitration request. The ombudsman’s role is that of a communicator who works to identify the nature of the dispute to determine if discussions with the parties can resolve the matter-- saving time, money and effort on behalf of the parties and the association.
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This program will be facilitated by Diane Disbrow (NJ) and Wally Folks (TX) and will include:
* An explanation of the ombudsman concept
* A panel discussion about successful ombudsman programs from various areas
* An opportunity to answer questions about your own local ombudsman program
* Sample materials and resources
Both of the instructors are Realtors and mediators. (NAR Conf. Session Info.; Disbrow Bio; Folks Bio.)

1 comment:

  1. The NAR ombudsman model closely tracks (and even copies large sections) of the IOA code of ethics. Maybe a collaboration would make sense.
