June 04, 2024

Call for Papers: JIOA Special Issue on Power, Politics & Polarization

The Journal of the International Ombuds Association has issued a call for submissions for a special issue on: "Power, Politics, and Polarization." Papers should be submitted by May 1, 2025. 

Here are more details from the Journal:

Organizational Ombuds, with their emphasis on conflict resolution, ethics, and systems, play a pivotal role in addressing challenges arising from power dynamics, political tensions, and societal polarization. In an era marked by the proliferation of misinformation, the erosion of trust in institutions, and the amplification of diverse voices, the ombuds profession stands at the forefront of navigating complex ethical and social issues.
This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted relationship between the ombuds field and the broader landscape of power, politics, and polarization. We invite submissions that critically examine topics such as:
  1. Misinformation and Disinformation: Exploring the role of ombuds in addressing the spread of misinformation, combating disinformation campaigns, and promoting fact-based discourse in society.
  2. Freedom of Expression: Analyzing how ombuds uphold principles of free speech while navigating contentious issues related to censorship, hate speech, and online harassment.
  3. Power Dynamics: Investigating how power imbalances within organizations and institutions shape the work of ombuds, influencing their ability to advocate for fairness, equity, and accountability.
  4. Polarization and Conflict Resolution: Exploring strategies employed by ombuds to mitigate polarization, foster dialogue, and promote constructive engagement across divergent perspectives.
  5. Ethical Challenges: Examining ethical dilemmas faced by ombuds practitioners in navigating political pressures, conflicting interests, and competing values.
  6. Crisis and Critical Incidents: Exploring how ombuds can assist with responses to or prevention of organizational crises and critical incidents, particularly those related to questions of power, politics, and polarization.
We welcome original research articles, case studies, theoretical perspectives, and practical insights from scholars, practitioners, and policymakers working at the intersection of ombuds practice and power dynamics. Submissions should offer innovative insights, empirical evidence, and practical implications for advancing the understanding and practice of ombuds in diverse contexts.

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