April 05, 2007

Midwest Meeting of College and University Ombuds

The fifth annual Midwest summer meeting of College and University Ombudspersons will take place on July 30, 2007, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb (65 miles west of Chicago). This get-together provides an opportunity for academic ombudspersons to become better acquainted and to share concerns about their unique professional roles and environments. All college and university ombudspersons are welcome to attend. For information, join the mailing list by emailing Tim Griffin: tgriffin[at-sign]niu[dot]edu. (Thanks, Tim.)

1 comment:

  1. I attended this last year for the first time. I cannot stress enough how important it was to me. I was a rookie Ombudsperson and learned so much.

    I would encourage Higher Ed ombuds, new and old, to attend.

    Janet Wright
    Guilford College Ombudsperson
