July 01, 2015

Job Posting: U.S. Department of State

The State Department has opened an internal search for an Ombudsman.  The position will serve the entire Department, including all Foreign Service and Civil Service employees, supervisors, managers and senior executives as well as locally employed staff and DoS contractors, utilizing "generally accepted ombudsman techniques." 

The job is open only to eligible State Department, who must pass a drug test and Top Secret security clearance.  The GS 14 position pays $107,325 to $139,532 per year. The one-week application window closes July 8, 2015.  (Federal Government Jobs.)

Related post: Secretary of State Clinton Promises Ombuds for Foreign Service WorkersJob PostingCoalition of Federal Ombudsman Elects Officers for 2014Job Posting.


  1. Alternate headline: "Dept. of State Hiring, Don't Bother Applying".
    Sounds like they already have the finalist in mind.

    -The Angry Ombuds

  2. Don't bother applying because it is only open to State employees (per some policy). If you search that policy cited in the announcement, the hiring manager has the authority to open it up to the public if they wanted. As someone mentioned with the Department of Energy job, "Why would anyone limit the scope so narrow (open to hq employees only) that it excludes hundreds of highly skilled, professional ombuds, including about a hundred who are certified ombuds by an internationally recognized accrediting body? If they have someone in mind, don't waste our tax dollars going through a sham process."

  3. Unfortunately, there are signs of other "marked cards" games in the Ombuds world, when it comes to hiring practices. Writing a job ad with someone in mind isn't the worst thing out there.
