Red Cross Issues Second Annual Report
Kevin Jessar, Corporate Ombudsman for the American Red Cross, has released a report summarizing the activities of his office for the year ended June 30, 2009. In the 2008-09 fiscal year, Jessar and his staff were contacted by 555 individuals, a 57% increase from the prior year. Two-thirds of the visitors were external constituents of the Red Cross. The increased caseload is remarkable, given the reduced budget for the office. The data, which is reported according to IOA Uniform Reporting Categories, also indicate that more a majority of the Red Cross Ombuds cases were handled through confidential coaching. (Red Cross Ombuds 2009 Report.)Related posts: Red Cross Ombuds Publishes Inaugural Report and Announces Cut-Backs; New Ombuds at American Red Cross.
I'm getting report the link has stopped working. Eventually, the report should be available from the Red Cross Ombuds website.