The University of Massachusetts Amherst has asked its Ombuds Office to maintain a list of staff and faculty who would be willing to serve as impartial observers during certain campus events where students and campus police are present. In the unlikely circumstance that any disruption should occur where students and police have to interact, observers are there to validate what actually occurred. “In no case would an observer participate in any part of the activity,” said Catharine Porter, University Ombuds. “This system of observers is in place to assure fairness and accuracy in reporting what transpired.” (UMassAmherst: In the Loop.)
Related posts: U of Arkansas Office of Student Mediation Changing Name to Ombuds Office; Texas Tech Ombuds to Help Administer Student Relief Funds.
I see no problem whatsoever with the observational role. However, what if a formal hearing later occurs and the ombuds/observer is called to testify as to what was witnessed?