August 31, 2009
Hockey Players Oust Director With Input From Ombuds

New Canadian Banking Ombuds Named
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments has appointed Douglas Melville as its ombudsman and chief executive officer. OBSI is a voluntary dispute-resolution service established in 1996 that deals with complaints between participating Canadian financial service firms and their clients. Melville has been serving as interim ombudsman since mid-May, following the resignation of David Agnew. "Mr. Melville brings to the Ombudsman role a rich and varied background in financial services, dispute resolution, public policy, media, government, and community relations," said Peggy-Anne Brown, chair of OBSI's board of directors. Melville originally joined the organization in 2006 as senior deputy ombudsman for banking services. He earned his BA from Carleton University, a JD and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario, and an LLM from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University. (Toronto Star.)
Related post: Canadian Banking Ombuds Releases Year-End Review.
Related post: Canadian Banking Ombuds Releases Year-End Review.
21 Recommended ADR Blogs
Diane Levin, who compiles a directory of about 200 alternative dispute resolution blogs at ADRblogs.com, has a list of her 21 favorites. This is a great place for newcomers to get a feel for the array of voices in the field. Of course, if I were to create a list, Levin's own site would be in the top ten. (Mediation Channel.)
August 30, 2009
Handling a Tyrant Boss
Lynn Taylor, a workplace expert and contributor to Business Week magazine offers suggestions book on how employees can manage difficult bosses, which she dubs TOTs "Terrible Office Tyrants." She says TOTs are bosses who act strikingly similar to children, like toddlers in their Terrible Twos. Taylors says there are five hallmarks of a TOT and she offers tips on managing them:
These tips and Taylor's book, Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant (TOT): How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job, will be valuable for many Ombuds' visitors. (Business Week; Tame Your Tot Blog.)
Related posts: When the Boss is a Bully or Jerk; Opinion of Boss Drives Most Decisions to Quit.
• Determine the best time of day and day of the week to approach your TOT;
• Don't hang around for the fireworks or engage;
• Keep CALM -- Communicate, Anticipate, Laugh, and Manage;
• Set expectations through regular meetings;
• Let your TOT know when you are feeling overwhelmed and use priority task lists;
• Communicate when a project has been successful;
• Encourage your TOT's independence and reinforce her own competence;
• Offer a plan to cover excessive workloads;
• Help your boss learn that other people can serve her as well;
• Use positive language to relax your stubborn TOT;
• Know that it's easier for TOTs to be more flexible if there's something in it for them;
• Offer choices and compromises that empower your TOT;
• Make communications compelling;
• Use props, visual aids, and humor to keep your manager engaged and on target;
• Manage interruptions.
These tips and Taylor's book, Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant (TOT): How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job, will be valuable for many Ombuds' visitors. (Business Week; Tame Your Tot Blog.)
Related posts: When the Boss is a Bully or Jerk; Opinion of Boss Drives Most Decisions to Quit.
August 29, 2009
Study Shows That Ridicule Undermines Workplace Performance
Research published in the Journal of Management Studies finds that perceived workplace injustices directly affect employees' ability to cope with workload demands and performance-related expectations. In other words, when managers ridicule or disrespect their workers, the results are likely to be lowered output and higher turnover. The study was authored by Michael S. Cole, PhD, at Texas Christian University. (Wiley InterScience; UPI; Science Daily; hat tip to Mary Rowe.)
More science confirming common sense.
More science confirming common sense.
August 28, 2009
Harvard University Ombuds to Take on Public Safety Issues

In her newly expanded role, Cummings will meet with the Safety Advisory Committee, review and recommend resolutions to general and specific concerns raised by members of the University community, and bring any systemic issues to the attention of the administration, when warranted. To ensure that community members know where to bring issues, the office’s expanded role will be communicated on the Harvard College Web site, in the Handbook for Students, in House newsletters, in the Freshman Newsletter, and through the residential deans.
(Harvard News; Boston Globe.)
Ombuds as Antidote to Rising Threat of Litigation in Academia
Amy Gajda, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Illinois, warns that a rise in lawsuits poses a serious threat to academic freedom. In her new book, The Trials of Academe: The New Era of Campus Litigation, Gajda says that litigation is now common on campus, and perhaps even more commonly feared. She argues that several factors are driving the increase in lawsuits, including a breakdown in communication by academic leaders, a culture of distrust among colleagues, and anxieties from the shift to nontenured faculty.
Gajda does offer some hope. In an interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, she says:
Her book is scheduled for release in October. (Harvard University Press; Chronicle of Higher Ed.)
Gajda does offer some hope. In an interview with the Chronicle of Higher Education, she says:
[C]olleges and universities need to build a stronger sense of community on campus. By this I mean an inclusive, open, diverse community with open channels of communication and effective means of addressing disputes internally. If students, faculty, administrators, and staff are divided by a sense of detachment or mutual suspicion, we can expect to see more litigation. Offering alternatives through campus mediation, ombudspersons, and the like can help to defuse conflicts and keep them out of court.
Her book is scheduled for release in October. (Harvard University Press; Chronicle of Higher Ed.)
August 27, 2009
Camosun College Ombuds Fights Firing
Gary Insley, the Ombuds for students at the community college in Victoria, BC, was terminated August 5, shortly after returning from a 16-month medical leave. Although Insley has a five-year contract through 2010, he says he was given little explanation for his firing. "There was no discussion -- I was simply called in for a meeting ... and it was done," he said. Camosun's HR director said there was not a problem with Insley's performance but would not comment further. Insley has has hired an attorney to fight the dismissal. Camosun's Ombudsman position is now filled on an interim basis. (Victoria Times Colonist.)
Two Former Ombuds Emerge as Contenders for LAPD Chief Post

August 26, 2009
Ombuds Training in North Carolina
The International Ombudsman Association will offer several courses at the Blake Hotel in Charlotte, October 26-30, 2009.
- Ombudsman 101 (Oct. 26-28): An introductory program for new Ombudsman or those seeking information about the organizational Ombudsman role.
- Ombudsman 101 Plus (Oct. 28): A special program for organizations and entrepreneurs who want to get started.
- Specialized Course: Conflict Resolution (Oct. 29): This course is designed to view conflict as an opportunity to make us more effective as agents of positive change, primarily in the workplace, but in other settings as well.
- Specialized Course: Trust and the Ombudsman Process (Oct. 30): This course will explore the importance and development of trust throughout the Ombudsman Process, including working with the initiator, the respondent and the organization.
August 24, 2009
Boston University Selects First Ombuds
BU has appointed Francine Montemurro to create the first-ever Ombuds Office for the campus. Montemurro currently serves as the Ombudsman for Binghamton University, having founded the office in 1997. As the Ombuds for Boston University, Montemurro will serve as an independent, neutral, informal and confidential resource for faculty, staff and 30,000 students. (Binghampton News.)
Related posts: Notes on the IOA Annual (2007) Conference; Job Posting: Boston University.
Related posts: Notes on the IOA Annual (2007) Conference; Job Posting: Boston University.
August 23, 2009
Leaked Document Reveals Work of College Ombuds

Written by an anonymous Grinnell faculty member in about December 2008, the leaked document reveals a covert investigation that found similar problems during the administrator's prior appointment at Lewis & Clark College. Fortunately, Lewis & Clark had an Ombuds who was able to assist, much to the relief of the administration at Lewis & Clark. According the the leaked document:
The Need for an OmbudspersonOf course, but for the leaked document, the work of the Lewis & Clark Ombuds would have remained secret and known only to a few. The Grinnell faculty has apparently realized the value of an Ombuds and has created a Faculty Governance Group to look into the creation of a Ombuds office for the campus. (Grinnell Faculty Meeting Minutes, 4/6/09.)
In her written statement, the retired director also notes, "After [the administrator] left, the division required counseling and intervention with an organizational rescuer. We needed this. It amazes me what one person can do in 18 months." A high level administrator at L&C, with whom Ralph spoke, and who is willing to speak to our trustees privately, confirms this account. The college's ombudsperson (at L&C the ombudsperson is a totally independent conflict-resolution agent) interviewed every member of the ... division at the new dean's request and then did periodic follow-ups. The administrator reported that the "entire division was a basket case. Valerie [the ombudsperson] was needed to heal us. (Full text pdf, p. 4.)
Related post: Lewis & Clark College Launches Ombuds Office.
Correction 8/26/09: The original version of this post mistakenly indicated that mistakenly asserted that the administrator had left Grinnell College. In fact, the administrator still serves in that position. I apologize for the error.
Update 3/30/10: The post was amended to remove details identifying Grinnell's senior administrator. One comment that lead to the correction on 8/26/09 was also removed. These details were peripheral to the issue of the Ombuds role in the underlying matter.
August 21, 2009
Profile of New Ombuds at Washington & Lee
Jane Ellen Reid was recently appointed the first University Ombuds for Washington and Lee and brings considerable experience in dispute resolution to the job. “We are fortunate to have someone with Jane Ellen Reid’s expertise to provide this new resource for W&L faculty and staff,” said W&L President Ken Ruscio.
Reid earned her BA in history from the University of Vermont and an ME from Northern Arizona University. She is completing PhD in conflict analysis and resolution from NOVA Southeastern University. Reid developed and directed the Ombuds program at Central Arizona College in the 1990’s. A faculty member at Eastern Mennonite University since 2006, Reid became the director of EMU’s mediation, facilitation and job-coaching program for faculty, staff and students in 2007. She also teaches introduction to conflict transformation at Bridgewater College, in Bridgewater, Va. (Rockbridge Weekly.)
Related post: Washington & Lee Unveils Ombuds Office.
Reid earned her BA in history from the University of Vermont and an ME from Northern Arizona University. She is completing PhD in conflict analysis and resolution from NOVA Southeastern University. Reid developed and directed the Ombuds program at Central Arizona College in the 1990’s. A faculty member at Eastern Mennonite University since 2006, Reid became the director of EMU’s mediation, facilitation and job-coaching program for faculty, staff and students in 2007. She also teaches introduction to conflict transformation at Bridgewater College, in Bridgewater, Va. (Rockbridge Weekly.)
Related post: Washington & Lee Unveils Ombuds Office.
August 20, 2009
OO Blogger: The "New Ombudsman"
Clayton Gilman's latest post muses on Ombuds finding their place in the traditional business landscape. Along the way, he offers this definition of the "New Ombudsman":
(Organizational Ombudsman Blog.)
This is an insightful and accurate portrait of the profession.
Prior posts: Clayton Gilman.
First, the “new ombudsman” is a progressive philosopher and an eclectic thinker. They are most likely a “boomer”, born of the 60’s movements and now, today, wise to the ways to not only live peacefully, but able to articulate, “practice what they preach” and technically translate education, knowledge and wisdom into a “new profession” to the benefit of others. Yes, some are lawyers, some are psychologists, some are social workers, teachers, retired from the profession they now “mediate” to; it’s an “inclusive” mix of professions and people. They didn’t know it, but looking back on their career and life they were using “ombudsmanship” all along and now want to make it their calling. They are technologically savvy, can grasp and get a handle on complex (Gordian Knot) circumstances and issues, they can do mental analysis faster than a computer, they are skilled “generalists” in their life and profession, their degrees and certificates are “translatable and applicable” in terms of value towards peace making regardless of what “others” tell them and they know it and are not deterred.
(Organizational Ombudsman Blog.)
This is an insightful and accurate portrait of the profession.
Prior posts: Clayton Gilman.
August 19, 2009
University of Hawaii Chancellor Clarifies Decision to Shutter Ombuds Office
In a letter to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, the UH Chancellor addresses the decision to close the Ombuds Office rather than continue with a reduced number of staff.
(Via email from Gregg Takayama, UH Manoa Director of Community and Government Affairs.)
Prior post: Budget Cuts Force Closure of University of Hawaii Ombuds Office.
To the Editor:
As the Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported on August 13, the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa regrets that budget reductions necessitate the closure of our Ombuds Office. We wish to clarify that UHM had intended to continue the efforts of the Ombuds Office after Neal Milner's departure. Had the budgetary issues not arisen, it was anticipated that Susan Park, who currently serves as the UHM Ombuds, would have taken leadership of the Office. Unfortunately, as we have stated, current fiscal realities facing UH Mānoa limit our abilities to support the program.
Yours truly,
Virginia S. Hinshaw
UH Mānoa Chancellor
(Via email from Gregg Takayama, UH Manoa Director of Community and Government Affairs.)
Prior post: Budget Cuts Force Closure of University of Hawaii Ombuds Office.
August 16, 2009
IOA 2010 Conference Call for Proposals

August 13, 2009
Washington & Lee Unveils Ombuds Office

August 12, 2009
Budget Cuts Force Closure of University of Hawaii Ombuds Office

The office has employed three Ombuds, Neal Milner, Susan Park and Jen Graf, and one staff person, Lori Mina, since it was established in 2006. Milner, Park and Graf were active in IOA committees and conferences, and the UH Ombuds website was recently upgraded.
Related posts: University of Hawaii Touts Ombuds Office as Campus Safety Resource; U. Hawaii Ombuds Office Co-Sponsors Program on Organizational Change; University of Hawaii Releases Annual Report; New Websites Offer Resources for Ombuds.
Update 8/13/09: One Hawaiian blogger remarks:
Well there goes a useful service to UH Manoa’s community! Try to avoid having things on your mind that may bother you.
And may I remind everyone that this yahoo [Greg McMackin] makes a million bucks a year to coach UH Manoa’s Football Team?
(O/S Hawaii.)
Pelco Creates Ombuds Program
The video and security system manufacturer headquartered in Clovis, CA has appointed Anne Bacher as its Operational Excellence Ombudsman. Bacher began her career at Pelco in February 2006 as Executive Assistant in the Marketing Department and has worked on special . She earned an Executive MBA from Anna Maria College, MA from Cornell University, and BA from the University of Chicago. (Pelco Press; LinkedIn.)
New Model for Describing How Law Schools View ADR Courses
Michael Moffit, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Oregon Law School, has published a new statistical analysis of the recent history of ADR within the legal academy. In addition, he suggests a compelling paradigm describing how law schools approach their ADR offerings.
The article will be published in the Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution and is available from SSRN. (Islands, Vitamins, Salt, Germs: Four Visions of the Future of Adr in Law Schools (and a Data-Driven Snapshot of the Field Today), via ADR Prof Blog.)
Some law schools may become Islands of ADR—ones in which ADR is part of the school’s distinctiveness. Some law schools may ADR as Vitamins—requiring every student to take at least the recommended dosage. Some law schools may treat ADR as Salt—vital seasoning for many different offerings, but never consumed on its own. Finally, individual faculty members at some law schools may intentionally, but quietly, incorporate ADR as Germs into their courses.
The article will be published in the Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution and is available from SSRN. (Islands, Vitamins, Salt, Germs: Four Visions of the Future of Adr in Law Schools (and a Data-Driven Snapshot of the Field Today), via ADR Prof Blog.)
August 11, 2009
Federal Court Orders Production of Ombuds Records From IBM
A federal trial court in Oklahoma has ordered IBM to produce files from its Ombuds related to a dispute with a vendor. In 2005, IBM was contracting with two firms for accounting staff, Accounting Principals, Inc. and Pinstripe, Inc. When IBM sought to end the contracts, API and Pinstripe were referred to IBM's Global Procurement Ombudsman -- an objective and impartial office that assists in resolving procurement-related concerns and issues. At the direction of IBM's general counsel, the Ombuds conducted an investigation and submitted a report. IBM initially restored the contacts with API and Pinstripe. Later transferred the work to another vendor, Manpower, Inc.
After filing suit, API and Pinstripe sought to compel production of the report by IBM's Ombuds. IBM objected on the grounds of attorney-client and attorney work product privileges. In evaluating these arguments, the court characterized the role of the IBM Ombuds using the standards enunciated by the American Bar Association:
The court therefore concluded that the the primary purpose for which the documents were created was not anticipation of litigation, but a separate business purpose (fostering more a open, effective, and productive relationship with suppliers). In addition, the court observed that any of the Ombuds documents do not appear to contain communications seeking legal advice. The court therefore ordered IBM to produce most of the materials produced by its Ombuds. IBM did not raise any other legal arguments that would have protected the Ombuds' work. (Accounting Principals, Inc. v. Manpower, Inc., 07-cv-636-TCK-PJC, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66428 (N.D. Okla. July 28, 2009) and Pinstripe, Inc. v. Manpower, Inc., 07-cv-620-GKF-PJC, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66430 (N.D. Okla. July 28, 2009); Tulsa World; see also summary at Mayer Brown.)
After filing suit, API and Pinstripe sought to compel production of the report by IBM's Ombuds. IBM objected on the grounds of attorney-client and attorney work product privileges. In evaluating these arguments, the court characterized the role of the IBM Ombuds using the standards enunciated by the American Bar Association:
Generally, an ombudsman works outside of normal line management structures and directly to upper management. An ombudsman is not an advocate for the complainant, nor is his role to defend the corporation he works for. His role is that of an impartial neutral, seeking the best resolution of the dispute.
The court therefore concluded that the the primary purpose for which the documents were created was not anticipation of litigation, but a separate business purpose (fostering more a open, effective, and productive relationship with suppliers). In addition, the court observed that any of the Ombuds documents do not appear to contain communications seeking legal advice. The court therefore ordered IBM to produce most of the materials produced by its Ombuds. IBM did not raise any other legal arguments that would have protected the Ombuds' work. (Accounting Principals, Inc. v. Manpower, Inc., 07-cv-636-TCK-PJC, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66428 (N.D. Okla. July 28, 2009) and Pinstripe, Inc. v. Manpower, Inc., 07-cv-620-GKF-PJC, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66430 (N.D. Okla. July 28, 2009); Tulsa World; see also summary at Mayer Brown.)
Texas Ombuds to Consider Governance Issues
The Ombuds of Texas convene tomorrow in Austin for their bi-monthly meeting and will consider a proposed organizational structure. In addition, Dan Sullenbarger, Ethics and Compliance Officer for Marathon Oil, will offer thoughts on "How an Ombuds Can Help the Organization Surface." (Ombuds of Texas.)
August 10, 2009
DC Council Pulls Plug on Schools Ombuds After Less Than Two Years
The District of Columbia Council has eliminated the Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education after just 20 months. Having become a political pawn in a struggle between DC Mayor Adrian Fenty and the Council, the DC Public Schools Ombuds was closed to balance a $400 million budget shortfall for 2009-10. (Washington Examiner; Washington Post.)
The DCPS Ombuds Office debuted in January 2008 with support from the Mayor and community. After a protracted job search, Tonya Vidal Kinlow, a former DC school board member and lobbyist, was appointed the first Ombuds for public education. She hired three staff members and began issuing monthly reports in August 2008. Although Kinlow was criticized from slow and irregular reporting, her office managed a growing caseload. Kinlow left unexpectedly in December 2008 and was succeeded by Interim Ombuds Jeff Ross. The DCPS Ombuds office will wrap up operations and close by the end of September 2009.
Prior posts: DC Mayor's School Plan Includes Ombuds; Despite Some Council Concerns, Mayor Continues to Back Ombuds for DC Schools; Job Posting: DC Schools Ombuds; DC Council to Consider Public Schools Ombuds; More Details Emerge Regarding DC School Ombuds; DC Schools Struggle to Hire Ombuds; DC Schools Appoint First Ombuds; DC Schools Ombuds Reports on Progress; DC Schools Ombuds Reports Growing Case Load; DC Schools Ombuds Lasts Just 14 Months; DC Schools Appoints Interim Ombuds; Local Politics Threaten DC Schools Ombuds; Washington Post Conflates Ombuds Reporting Line With Neutrality; Budget Deficit Threatens DC Schools Ombuds.
The DCPS Ombuds Office debuted in January 2008 with support from the Mayor and community. After a protracted job search, Tonya Vidal Kinlow, a former DC school board member and lobbyist, was appointed the first Ombuds for public education. She hired three staff members and began issuing monthly reports in August 2008. Although Kinlow was criticized from slow and irregular reporting, her office managed a growing caseload. Kinlow left unexpectedly in December 2008 and was succeeded by Interim Ombuds Jeff Ross. The DCPS Ombuds office will wrap up operations and close by the end of September 2009.
Prior posts: DC Mayor's School Plan Includes Ombuds; Despite Some Council Concerns, Mayor Continues to Back Ombuds for DC Schools; Job Posting: DC Schools Ombuds; DC Council to Consider Public Schools Ombuds; More Details Emerge Regarding DC School Ombuds; DC Schools Struggle to Hire Ombuds; DC Schools Appoint First Ombuds; DC Schools Ombuds Reports on Progress; DC Schools Ombuds Reports Growing Case Load; DC Schools Ombuds Lasts Just 14 Months; DC Schools Appoints Interim Ombuds; Local Politics Threaten DC Schools Ombuds; Washington Post Conflates Ombuds Reporting Line With Neutrality; Budget Deficit Threatens DC Schools Ombuds.
Article on University of Miami Ombuds Program
The campus newspaper at UM profiles the four decade old Ombudsperson and University Troubleshooters Program. As University Ombuds, Dr. Gail Cole-Avent oversees the program and addresses the administrative/non-academic concerns. Jon Baldessari is the University Troubleshooter for Department of Residence Halls and V. Chunoo is the Academic Ombuds. “The ombudsperson facilitates a voluntary process. We listen, answer questions and interpret University policies,” said Cole-Avent. “Ultimately, the goal is to educate students and identify resources that will help them resolve their concerns.” (Miami Hurricane.)
Related posts: Interim Ombuds at U Miami; Two New Ombuds at University of Miami.
Related posts: Interim Ombuds at U Miami; Two New Ombuds at University of Miami.
August 09, 2009
Job Posting: Fanshawe College
The London, Ontario community college has reposted its advertisement for an Ombuds. The position has been changed from 30 hour per week to full time. Other job details remain the same. Applications are due by August 21. (Fanshawe Job Posting.)
Prior: Job Posting.
Prior: Job Posting.
August 07, 2009
New Ombuds at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

MIT Ombuds to Speak at University of Arizona
On September 11, 2009, Toni P. Robinson, an Ombuds for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will present a seminar at the University of Arizona. The program, “Difficult Times, Difficult Conversations…An Ombuds Perspective,” is free for the entire UA community and is hosted by the UA Ombuds Program. (Seminar Invitation.)
August 06, 2009
Job Posting: National Institutes of Health

Related posts: Perspective on Ethical Standards for Federal Mediators and Ombuds; NIH Ombuds Addresses the Complexities of Race-Related Conflict; New Ombuds at American Red Cross.
Update: FOIA Ombuds Ready to Hire Staff
The FOIA Blog says that the National Archives & Records Administration will be posting job announcements later this summer for the Office of Government Information Services. The positions are expected to be mid-to-senior (GS-13/14) level Management Analysts and an Attorney Advisor with a background in FOIA compliancy, law, and information and/or public policy. (FOIA Blog.)
Prior post: FOIA Ombuds Appointed.
Prior post: FOIA Ombuds Appointed.
Montana State University Posts Annual Report
Nancy G. Dodd, University Ombuds for MSU, has published a report covering the activities of her office for the 2007-08 academic year. Dodd said she handled 46 cases, the first decline in the history of her office. She also reported that usage is equalizing somewhat across campus and groups. (MSU Ombuds Office.)
August 02, 2009
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign President Calls for Admissions Ombuds

Related post: Student Trustee Seeks Reinstatement of Ombuds at U. Illinois Campus.
Progress Briefing from New DoD Ombuds
Scott Deyo, the Ombuds for the Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General, has published an overview of his office, which opened just five months ago. Reporting directly to the Inspector General, the Ombuds is fully authorized to engage all members of the DoD OIG community at all levels. Deyo plans to draft a charter for the office, implement a communication plan, meet on-on-one with senior managers, develop outreach materials, create a confidential, online submission and evaluation forms, and prepare mid-year and annual reports. (DoD OIG Ombuds Briefing.)
Related posts: Department of Defense Announces First Ombuds for Inspector General.
Related posts: Department of Defense Announces First Ombuds for Inspector General.
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