Školská Ombuds Platforma came together as an independent nonprofit organization in 2023 and provides support and connecting for the rapidly expanding number of University Ombuds in the Czech Republic. The organization's two dozen members are led by a committee comprised of Jaroslav Šotola, Chair (Deputy Ombuds at the University of Applied Sciences in Olomouc); Pavlína Junová, Vice President (Ombuds at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague); Petr Polák, Secretary (Ombuds at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague); Pavla Špondrová, Member (Ombuds at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University); and Michaela Antonín Malaníková, Member (Ombuds at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, and ENOHE Board Member).
SOP has six goals:
- Associate and Connect, To associate, connect and support school ombudspersons and represent them in public space
- Create Space, Create a space for the discreet sharing of experiences from specific cases and the procedures used in them, and overall increase the expertise and quality of ombudspersons' services
- Support the Profession, Support the spread of the institute of ombudspersons in Czech schools and provide advice for those interested in its introduction
- Promote Discussion, Enable and moderate professional interdisciplinary discussion about the ethical environment in schools and the role of ombudspersons in its cultivation
- Share Best Practices, Bring proven methods from abroad to the Czech Republic and represent school ombudspersons at the international level
- Inform the Public, Inform the professional and lay public about the principles, procedures and goals of the Ombudsperson Institute and about current events in this area
Related posts: Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Hosts Meeting of Regional Ombuds; Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Architecture Names First Ombuds; Charles University in Prague Introduces Ombuds; Czech Network of University Ombuds Sets Second Meeting; Czech and Polish University Ombuds Gather for First Meeting.
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