The 2010 joint conference of the European Network for Ombudsmen in Higher Education and the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons in Vienna promises a rich array of information for Ombuds.

May 19 -- Pre-Conference Workshops
- Mediating Student Complaints: Learning by Doing (Mike Reddy, UK and Jenna Brown, USA)
- Things I Wished I had Known When I Started as an Ombudsman (Clifford Picton, Australia and Tim Birtwistle, UK)
- Challenges to Impartiality (Nora Farrell, Canada)
- Core Curriculum for the Development of Scientific Integrity: Lessons to be Learned for Higher Education Ombudsmen (Gerlinde Sponholz and Helga Nolte, both Germany)
May 20 -- Morning Presentations on Governance in Higher Education
- The Importance of the Use of Language, Terms and Titles in Higher Education Life for Faculty and Students (Tim Birtwistle, UK)
- Conflict Management Revisted: Remarks and Observations on the Status of the University Ombudsman (Wolfgang Weigel, Austria)
- Independence and Governance: (In)Compatible? (Ram Gidoomal, UK)
- Online Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment: Revising a University Protocol (Natalie Sharpe, Canada)
- Complaint Management, Students Rights and the Principle of Public Access to Official Documents: Experiences from Sweden (Christian Sjöstrand, Sweden)
May 20 -- Afternoon Sessions on European Higher Education in Times of Changes: The Importance of Ombudsmen
- European Ombudsman, Mission and Role in European Funding (Gundi Gadesmann, Belgium)
- Implementation of ISO Certifcation and Quality Management within the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research (Christian Pichler-Stainern, Austria)
- Establishing an Ombudsman for the Lifelong Learning Programme in Austria – Challenges and First Experiences (Karl Andrew Müllner, Austria)
- Building Bridges: University Ombudsmen and University Co-Operation in the Post-"Bologna" European Higher Education Area (Pilar Abad, Spain)
- Ombudsmen: Defining Students' Rights – Student Representatives - Defending Students' Rights (Andrea Blättler, Switzerland and Luis Adolfo Veliz Cornejo, Peru)
May 21 -- Morning Sessions on Building Fair, Respectful and Supportive Environments
- Latin American University Ombudsmen: Building better Environments and Fostering Social Change (Leoncio Lara, Mexico)
- The Pathway Project – An Ombudsman’s Roadmap for the Years to Come (Robert Behrens, UK)
- Dealing with Systemic Issues: Strategies for Solutions in the University Context (Martine Conway, Canada and Sandro Vicini, Switzerland)
- Small and Beautiful: How Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences are Dealing With Student Complaints: The Example of the FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW (Monika Petermandl, Austria)
- The Ombudsman Powers and Tasks in Relation to Higher Education Stakeholders (Doris Kiendl-Wendner, Austria)
May 21 -- Afternoon Sessions on Embracing Diversity
- Higher Education Ombudsmen and Diversity Issues: Considering the Australian Point of View (Ray Morley, Australia)
- New Approaches to Conflict Resolution: The Importance of Cross Cultural Awareness for Ombudspersons (Adrienne Clarke, Canada and Nadine Le Gros, Canada)
- Building Diverse University Communities (Cathryn Heslep, Canada)
- Restorative Justice: A Viable Option for Non-Academic Misconduct? (Robyn Jacobson, Canada)
Social events are planned for the evenings. Conference registration is € 250, excluding social events. (2010 Joint ENOHE-ACCUO Conference Info.)
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