April 07, 2015

MIT Bestows Highest Staff Honor on Ombuds

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has given its 2015 Collier Medal to long-time Ombudsperson, Toni Robinson.  The medal is given in memory of MIT Police Officer Sean Collier, who was killed by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects in 2013.
An article announcing the award explained that the Institute presented "the Collier Medal to Toni because she develops in each member of the community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively and effectively for the betterment of humankind." (MIT Rewards & Recognition.)

Related posts: CUPA-HR Panel Promotes Ombuds as Tool Against Bullying; Ombuds, Not Mediators or Arbitrators, are the Solution for Workplace Bullies; UMass Dartmouth Ombuds Celebrates Conflict Resolution Day With Special Guests; Virginia Commonwealth University Ombuds Sponsors National Conflict Resolution Day Event.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Toni. I just read an article on Office Sean Collier and one of the quotes was about how he wanted to truly understand students and the people he served/protected. Glad to see your efforts in serving the MIT community in a similar spirit acknowledged.
