January 27, 2009

Petition Urges Creation of Cabinet Level Ombuds

Mediator, author and director of the Center for Dispute Resolution, Kenneth Cloke is sponsoring an online petition calling on President Obama to add conflict resolution to the national agenda. Cloke's five-point proposal asks Obama to take the following steps:
  1. Create a cabinet level ombudsman office or department of peace and consensus building to work proactively to prevent and minimize conflicts;
  2. Build mediation, consensus building, diversity, and democratic conflict resolution processes into every proposal for change, whether domestic or international;
  3. Invite representatives of international institutions, governments, and community organizations to attend a conference to discuss how to improve conflict resolution competencies and encourage collaborative problem solving around the world;
  4. Request that the United Nations initiate a global effort to train diplomats and national representatives in conflict resolution, and incorporate in all treaties a clause requiring signatories to mediate and arbitrate disputes; and
  5. Initiate a program and a fund to support conflict resolution professionals in serving in trouble spots around the world and help people prevent, resolve and recover from conflict.
(Online Petition, via MediationChannel.com.)

Related posts: Obama and the Future of the ADR Profession; Federal Observers Hope for New Era of Government Openness and Accountability; How Systems Resist Change.

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