January 21, 2025

Journal of IOA: Ombuds in the Rime

The Ombuds for the University of Los Vegas Nevada, David G Schwartz, is the author of an essay in the current Journal of the International Ombuds Association. In "Mariner, Wedding Guest, or Albatross? Seeking the Ombuds in Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Schwartz looks for meaning in the two century old poem. The concept was initially presented at Cal Caucus in 2023.

Here is the abstract of the essay:
What relevance does a 200-year-old poem have for the young profession of ombuds work? At least some, the author hopes. Analyzing Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner through the lens of ombuds principle and practice, this essay considers where, in the poem, the ombuds can be found, offering a chance for self-reflection about the roles that an ombuds can play in an organization and, ultimately, how it may change them.
(JIOA Article.)

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