March 20, 2025

Gdańsk University of Technology Names First Doctoral Student Ombuds

Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń has been appointed the first Ombudswoman for the Rights of Doctoral Students at Gdańsk Tech. She will serve about 500 graduate students at Poland's oldest technical university. According to a university announcement, Mielewczyk-Gryń will: Ensure compliance with doctoral students’ rights at the University; and Act as a mediator in conflicts involving doctoral students, seeking amicable and fair resolutions. 

African Union Adopts Charter for Ombuds Office

The African Union Commission has adopted "Operational Guidelines" for its Ombudsperson and Mediation Services Division. The document was finalized earlier this month and endorsed by the AUC Chairperson, HE Moussa Faki Mahamat, and the inaugural Head of Ombudsman and Mediation Division, Fouad Hendel.

Meet the New Ombuds for the University of Trento

In October 2024, Lucia Rodler was named the Student Ombudsman for the Università degli Studi di Trento. The university in northern Italy enrolls about 17,000 students. Rodler follows Donata Borgonovo Re, who served in the role for the prior three years. Rodler has been a professor of Italian Literature in the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences since 2005. She earned her PhD at the University of Bologna. (University of Trento Garante Studentesca.)

Seminar to Explain Role of German Scientific Ombuds

The Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior is hosting a seminar titled "Ombudspersons in Science – Structures in Germany, Duties of an Ombudsperson" on April 29, 2025. Wolfgang Fiedler and Michael Mende, the institute's recently-elected Ombudspersons, will provide an overview of the Ombuds system in Germany, emphasizing the role and responsibilities of Ombuds in upholding research integrity and mediating conflicts.

VU Amsterdam Interviews Both Ombuds

This week, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam published interviews with Jacqueline Schoone, the Staff Ombudsperson, and Pelin Zenginoğlu, the Student Ombudsman. Both shared information about how they work with visitors and offered some personal insights on the value of their work. Schoone, who was appointed in April 2024 talked about what makes the job meaningful to her:

Syracuse Ombuds Solicits Feedback from Campus

Syracuse University Ombuds Neal Powless is inviting feedback via on online survey. The survey "seeks to gather input from individuals who have utilized the office’s services as well as those who have not." Login credentials are not required to complete the Qualtrix survey and responses will be anonymous and confidential. (Syracuse News.)

March 17, 2025

Executive Order Slashes Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

An Executive Order signed by the President on Friday, "eliminates non-statutory functions and reduces statutory functions of unnecessary governmental entities to what is required by law," applying to FMCS and several other entities. FMCS is a small federal agency that provides mediation and other conflict resolution services, including Ombuds services, to prevent work stoppages and labor disputes.

March 14, 2025

Pinterest Adds an Ombuds

Awab Al-Rawe became the newest Ombuds at Pinterest in August 2024. He reports to Donna Douglass Williams, CO-OP, Head of Ombuds, and joins Teresa Ralicki, Ombuds Analyst, and Shawday Berstler, Senior Ombuds Specialist. (Berstler was promoted from Ombuds Program Manager in June 2023.)

Meet the Ombuds for Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Louisa Tsang was named the Senior Ombuds Services Officer for the multilateral development bank in November 2021. The news comes from the University of Hong Kong, which is hosting a seminar on "Infrastructure, Wellbeing and Conflict Prevention" featuring Tseng as a speaker. 

March 12, 2025

ENOHE Announces Agenda for 20th Annual Conference

The European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education has announced details for its 20th annual conference at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on June 4-6, 2025. The theme is "Building Bridges: Equity, Responsibility, and the Ombuds’ Vision for the Future, Inspired by 750 Years of Amsterdam." Three dozen speakers from 13 different countries will offer insights based on professional experiences building and running Ombuds programs for universities and countries.

March 11, 2025

Job Posting: Boston University

The private university in Boston is hiring an Associate Ombuds. The position will report to University Ombuds, Francine Montemurro, and join Associate Ombuds, Erin Wright. The search will fill a position previously held by Riley Barrar. The office serves BU faculty, staff, and students on the Charles River and Medical Campuses. 

American Physical Society Names First Ombuds

Elisa Enriquez, CO-OP, has been announced as the inaugural Ombuds for the professional association for physicists. Practicing to IOA standards, Enriquez will provide services to 50,000 APS members. She will report to the Head of Ethics under authority of the APS Board of Directors. 

March 07, 2025

UNESCO Completes Feasibility Study for First Ombuds

A new report for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recommends the establishment of an Ombuds office to strengthen the organization's internal justice system and improve conflict resolution. The feasibility study, commissioned by UNESCO's Executive Board, found strong support for the initiative across the organization. The report's findings were based on best practices, including IOA standards.

University of Pennsylvania's Ombuds Reports that Cases Ticked Up Again in 2023-24

UPenns’s Office of the Ombuds saw a 6% increase in visitors during the 2023–24 academic year, with staff making up the largest group of visitors (42%), followed by faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduates. Employment-related concerns dominated with academic-related issues as the second-largest group. according to Deputy Ombuds Waged Jafer and University Ombuds Jennifer A. Pinto-Martin.

JIOA Writing Club Aims to Foster Ombuds Authors

The Journal of the International Ombuds Association has launched a program to support aspiring Ombuds writers. The Ombuds Conflict to Composition Writing Club will begin in April 2025 and is now accepting applications. The club create a collaborative and supportive virtual environment where participants can develop their writing skills through mentoring and guidance on the publishing process. Applications are due by March 28, 2025.