March 06, 2025

Ombuds for ISED Canada Shares 2023 Annual Report, Announces Successor

The Office of the Ombud for Mental Health and Employee Well-Being for Innovation, Science and Economic Development has released its 2022–2023 Annual Report. Acting Ombuds Eve Nadeau reported that 56 visitors came to the office over the year and virtually all reported high levels of satisfaction with the services in follow-up surveys. In her summary, Nadeau emphasized the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace, particularly as employees navigated the transition to hybrid work. 

Over the past year, the Ombuds Office expanded outreach to employee networks, regional staff, and equity-deserving groups to better understand their concerns and tailor services accordingly. The report also underscores the Office’s role in addressing challenges tied to new work arrangements and strengthening connections within the ISED community. Nadeau and her team remain committed to offering a safe space for employees to voice concerns and seek guidance in a complex and evolving workplace. The report announced the appointment of Abraham Temu as the permanent Ombuds for ISED. (ISED Ombuds 2022-23 Report.) 

Temu was appointed in March 2023. He has over two decades of exierience in the public and private sector and most recently served as the Ombuds for Employment and Social Development Canada. He graduated from the University of Toronto - University of St. Michael's College, and earned an MBA at the University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management. (LinkedIn.)

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