May 10, 2024

Bridgewater State University Appoints First Ombuds

BSU, the largest of nine state universities in Massachusetts, has named Pam Russell as its first Interim Ombudsperson. She will pilot a program that will serve initially faculty and librarians. As the Ombuds, Russell reports to the president and will practice to IOA standards. The Ombuds program was recommended by the Special Presidential Task Force on Racial Justice and will eventually serve the entire campus. 

Russell has been affiliated with Bridgewater since 1997. After nearly 20 years on the faculty, she moved to the administration as a member of the provost's office in 2021. She served on the task force subcommittee charged with creating the Ombuds Office. Russell graduated from the University of New Hampshire, and earned a MS from Washington State University and a PhD from the University of Maryland. (BSU Ombuds; BSU NewsLinkedIn.)

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