May 15, 2024

Job Posting: Kaiser Permanente, Northern California

KP has reopened its search for a full-time HealthCare Ombuds/Mediator for its medical facilities in Roseville, California. The Kaiser HCOM, "functions as a trained alternative dispute professional offering patients, family members, staff & providers a conflict management program to resolve patient/provider healthcare disputes early thereby improving patient safety & reducing the costs of health care dispute resolution." Local travel is required.

Applicants should have: a "Minimum ten (10) years of experience in clinical or management roles" and a Bachelor's degree. Within the first 90 days, the incumbent must complete Ombuds training and a 40-hour mediation training or equivalent experience (usually 100+ cases). Preferred qualifications include experience in a health care system; knowledge of relevant healthcare regulations; knowledge of KP; and an advanced degree. No salary or closing date indicated. (KP Jobs.)

Related posts: Interview With Kaiser Permanente Health Care Ombuds; "ADR as First Career" Interviews Kaiser Ombuds; Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine Announces First Ombuds; Job Posting.

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