August 06, 2024

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Hires a Senior Ombuds

Nellie Haddad, CO-OP, has been hired by USPTO as a Senior Associate Ombudsman in Alexandria, Virginia. Reporting to Paul Sotoudeh, the Chief Ombudsman, Haddad will serve USPTO employees throughout the federal agency that issues patents and registers trademarks.

Haddad comes to the position from the University of Wyoming, where she was the Ombuds since October 2022. During her tenure at UW, she made significant improvements in the Ombuds Office, expanding its scope of service to employees and realigning its reporting line to the Office of the President. Prior to that she was a faculty member at Champlain College and the University of Montana, an administrator at UC Berkeley, and an intern with the U.S. Department of State at the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, and the Middle East Human Rights Desk. She graduated from UC Berkeley and earned Masters at the University of South Carolina and Champlain College, and a PhD at Berkeley. (LinkedIn.)

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