European Network of Ombudsmen in Higher
Education will hold its eleventh annual conference at the University of Warsaw, Poland on May 15-17, 2014. More details will be published as soon as they are available.
November 27, 2013
November 25, 2013
Job Posting: Boston University
November 22, 2013
Loyola University New Orleans Opens Ombuds Office
The private, Jesuit university has named Associate Professor of Sociology, Marcus Kondkar, to serve as its first Faculty Ombuds. The office was established earlier this year by in 2013 by Loyola's President, Kevin Wm. Wildes, on the recommendation of the University Senate, to assist faculty in handling university-related conflicts or complaints.
The office operations are consistent with IOA Standards of Practice.
Professor to Serve as First Ombuds for Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Universidad Católica de Chile has appointed José Ignacio González to serve as its first Ombudsperson.
Gonzalez said, "For me it is a great responsibility, because the new position will connect with the 32,000 people who are part of the University in its
various levels."
ADRHub Calls for Webinar Proposals
The alternative dispute resolution portal is seeking proposals for its monthly webinar series. The ADRhub webinar series offers a broad range of presentations hosted by industry experts to help keep participants up-to-date on the latest activities, trends, industry practices, and hot topics. Ombuds have presented at least twice already.
November 21, 2013
Oklahoma State University Appoints First Ombuds
The public university in Stillwater, Oklahoma has named former administrator Ronald Beer as its first Ombudsperson. OSU President Burns Hargis said that Beer, “was selected from a strong pool of candidates for the position, for which he is especially well suited, thanks to his 20 years of experience as vice president of student affairs.” Beer will serve a
population of about 26,000 faculty, staff, administrators, and students.
GATHER - A Free Guide for Convenors
GATHER is a hands-on guidebook from the Monitor Institute and Rockefeller Foundation for convening designers and social change leaders. Drawing on input from 70 expert convening practitioners, it provides a clear series of steps for can be a naturally chaotic workflow and principles to use for each of the many tactical choices involved. Ombuds who provide this type of service for their organizations may find this a valuable resource. (Monitor Institute, via Campus-adr Tech Blog.)
November 18, 2013
Job Posting: Northcentral University
private, for-profit university based in Prescott Valley, Arizona is
hiring another Student and Faculty Ombudsperson. The faculty-level position
reports to the provost's office and serves as a neutral or impartial
dispute resolution practitioner whose major function is to provide
confidential and informal assistance to students and faculty. NCU has at least two other Ombuds, Melanie Shaw and Jessica Hensley, but there is no online presence for their office yet.
November 15, 2013
Job Posting: University of New Mexico
state's flagship, public research institution in Albequerque is hiring an
Ombuds Facilitator. Under the supervision of the University Staff Ombudsperson, the position will provide confidential, impartial, and informal facilitation, design and deliver training programs, and mediate, facilitate and negotiate staff issues.
UC Denver Hires New Ombuds
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has appointed Katherine Greenwood as its newest Ombuds for its Denver campus. She takes over over the Ombuds responsibilities formerly held by Mary Chavez Rudolph. The Anschutz Medical Campus comprises five graduate schools, including the only medical school in Colorado. Greenwood will serve the students and staff.
November 14, 2013
Journal of IOA Celebrates Work of Pioneers
The latest issue of the Journal of the International Ombudsman Association begins a long-proposed task of acknowledging the early leaders of the Organizational Ombuds field. JIOA Editor David Miller writes, "As a profession, we stand on the shoulders of giants [and] there is a debt to be acknowledged - of service, of recognition, of deep appreciation for the unbelievable character, achievements and examples our forebears... It is high time we acknowledged and celebrated their achievements and legacy."
November 13, 2013
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile to Appoint First Ombuds
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, one of the country's oldest universities, has announced that it soon will select its first Campus Ombudsman. PUC's Supreme Council approved the plan in mid-October and delegated the selection to Rector Ignacio Sanchez. According to a news report, there are five candidates, all of whom are members of the faculty with at least two decades of academic experience.
Students Join Faculty Consideration of Ombuds for Grand Valley State University
The student senate at the public liberal arts university in Allendale, Michigan will consider a resolution tomorrow to promote the creation of an Ombuds Office on campus. The implementation of a program is already being studied by a faculty task force created by the Executive Committee of the University Academic Senate. Both groups are considering an Ombuds only for the student body, which numbers more and 24,000.
November 11, 2013
Job Posting: DC State Board of Education

Can an Ombuds Address NFL Bullying?
An editorial in the Washington Times suggests that an Ombuds or Workplace Mediator could have helped prevent the type of locker room bullying in the National Football League that has made news recently. Millicent Carvalho-Grevious, a Pennsylvania mediator and professor, argues that, "What is needed is an NFL Ombudsman and Mediation Program to address
bullying among players and within teams, before it escalates to the
point that lawyers need to be involved or violence erupts."
November 06, 2013
Job Posting: Utah Valley University
The public university in Orem is hiring a part-time Ombudsperson. The position will serve as the Ombuds for about 33,000 students and will provide administrative support to the the Director for Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. The position has previously been held by undergraduate students.
November 05, 2013
OMV Petrom Shares Results of Ombuds Survey
As part of its effort to create an Organizational Ombuds program, OMV Petrom
SA, solicited data from practitioners via an on-line, anonymous survey. Ninety people completed the survey, which consisted of 24 questions. The data revealed that more than half of the Ombuds Offices were created because of "employee issues and concerns." The survey also assessed support among stakeholders and the types of matters handled.
Not Too Late for 2013 Cal Caucus
Even though the
California Caucus of College and University Ombuds is less than two weeks away (November 17–20, 2013), registration is still open. The event, which attended by many Ombuds who are not from California or higher education, is known for its intimate and convivial tone. (Cal Caucus 2013.)
November 01, 2013
Job Posting: San Antonio Housing Authority
The city affordable housing program is recruiting a full-time Ombudsman. Position works with over 70,000 residents, staff, individuals and groups to explore and assist in determining options to help resolve conflicts, problematic issues or concerns. In addition, the SAHA Ombuds is responsible for bringing systematic concerns to the attention of the Chief Operating Officer.
Job Posting: Ceridian
Ceridian, one of the larger HR outsourcing companies, is hiring a part-time Ombudsperson in Spokane, WA. "The Ombudsperson acts as a neutral or impartial advocacy practitioner by providing confidential and informal assistance to participants in Community Access, GSE, and Pathways." Few other details of the job duties or qualifications are provided. The position pays $10.50 per hour and will be open until filled. (Ceridian Recruiting.)
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