The Conference Planning Committee seeks proposals for presentations (including papers, workshops and participants at roundtables) for sessions lasting 75 minutes. Proposals should indicate: title (this should accurately reflect what is being proposed); format (presentation as part of a roundtable, best practice / special project session, or interactive workshop); category (case study, practice- or policy-oriented or other); and abstract (indicating core idea and objective, less than 300 words).
The ENOHE 2017 Conference will be divided into six separate strands:
Part One: Challenges
Current Challenges for Higher Education OmbudsmenPart Two: Responses
- New starters
- Ombudsmen in universities
- Ombudsmen in national schemes
- Ombudsman Offices under threat (by university administration and probably others, too) ‘Ombudspersons’ and Diversity on Campus
- Sexual harassment
- “Disability” – “Special Needs”
- Mental Health
Are Students Customers, Consumers or Co-learners? The Impact of Labelling
- Vulnerable groups (migrants, refugees, ethnic profiling, religious discrimination)
- Working with universities: Ombudsmen and their environment(s)
- “Consumerism” and student satisfaction (‘Helicopter’ Parents, and much more)
Ombudsmen and Agenda Setting in Higher EducationThe deadline for suggested proposals is Monday 20 March 2017 but earlier submissions are very welcome. Please send your proposals to hello@enohe.net.
- What Needs Analysis suggests
Ombudsmen as a Profession: Innovative Approaches
- Adopting the Innsbruck Descriptors
- Mediation, Conflict management and adjudication.
- Diversity – innovative approaches / Good Practice Frameworks
Professional Development thru Crowd Intelligence
- Reporting, Confidentiality, Naming and Shaming
- Using National and International Networks (ENOHE, ENRIO European Network of Research Integrity Offices, CEDU / Conferencia Estatal de Defensores Universitarios, REDDU / Red de Organismos Defensores de los Derechos Universitarios, ACCUO / Association of Canadian College and University Ombudsmen, IOA / International Ombudsman Association)
- Good practice for ombudsmen: Internships and other mechanisms
- Initiatives in the European Higher Education Area (AESOP and others).
Related posts: ENOHE Publishes Proceedings of Joint Conference with ACCUO; ENOHE Newsletter Marks Decennial; ENOHE Posts Agenda for 2014 Conference; ENOHE Posts Agenda for 2015 Conference; HiOA Ombuds Recaps ENOHE Conference; ENOHE Members Adopt Resolution Re Independence; ENOHE Seeks Administrative Home for 2017; ENOHE Posts Agenda for First Webinar; ENOHE Posts Report from 2015 Conference.
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