November 16, 2011

Yale President Rejects Proposal for Ombuds Office

Yale University President Richard Levin has rejected a campus climate committee's recommendation to create a university-wide Organizational Ombuds program. In a report issued September 15, 2011, an Advisory Committee on Campus Climate endorsed the creation of an Ombuds as one of several steps to address sexual harassment, violence and other misconduct. Although Levin agreed to implement several recommendations, he said that Yale would not create an Ombuds. (Yale Daily News; Report of the Advisory Committee on Campus Climate; Response from the President to the Advisory Committee on Campus Climate.)

Merle Waxman has served as the Ombudsperson for the Yale School of Medicine since the late 1980's. There is no indication that the decision by President Levin will impact her role. (Yale SOM Ombuds.)


  1. That's disappointing to me... doubly so since I both an Ombuds and a Yale alum. Perhaps I should write President Levin.

  2. I read the report and it appears the recommendation was for Yale to explore the possibility of an Ombuds Office. Not having an Ombuds Office means that some people may not step forward and the very culture that needs to change continues. Yale, despite its high standards for academics, gets a Fail on this one.

  3. As a former Yale student, I feel embarrass that a University which is supposed to embody academic and human excellence, fails to understand the added value that an ombudsman programme could mean for the whole community,
