FCO Announces Liz Hoffman Research Award Winner
The Forum of Canadian Ombudsman has announced that Michelle LeBaron is the winner of the 2009 Liz Hoffman Ombudsperson Research Award for her paper, “Watchdogs and Wiseones in Winterlands: The Practice Spectrum of Canadian Ombudsman”. LeBaron draws upon interviews and literature to outline the diversity, dynamism, and adaptive design that distinguish Canadian Ombuds practice. The paper concludes that Ombuds practice in Canada will continue to develop and expand despite the economic downturn, if Ombuds can fulfill their promise as independent listeners who assist in not only addressing but preventing problems. Le Baron, a professor at the University of British Columbia Law School and Director of the UBC Program on Dispute Resolution, will present her paper on April 16 at the Joint Conference in Montreal. Her paper is available for download from the FCO website. (FCO Announcement.)Prior post: FCO Invites Submissions for Canadian Ombuds Research Award.
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