Coke Adds Life to Ombuds Website
The upgraded website for the Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., Ombuds Office is unrivaled for its use of animation and video. The new website offers information in English, French and Spanish and explains how the office works with CCE employees. The site features a ten-minute introductory video with professional actors and individual videos of each member of the office: Ombuds Case Coordinator, Latryce Gathing-Harris; and Ombuds David Talbott, Marvin Neal, and Pierre Niedlispacher. In addition, CCE provides a copy of the Ombuds Office brochure, the establishing resolution from its Board of Directors, and a message from the Chairman. Overall, the site conveys a strong endorsement of the Ombuds Office by the organization. (CCE Ombuds Website.)Related post: Coke Reports Benefits of Ombuds Program.
The CCE ombuds sitehas expired ...