July 08, 2024

Journal of IOA Article Urges Ombuds to Employ Positive Psychology Tools

The latest peer-reviewed article in the Journal of the International Ombuds Association proposes that Ombuds integrate aspects of positive psychology in their case work. Author Julie A. Muroff, CO-OP, holds a Master's degree in Applied Positive Psychology. She is the inaugural Ombuds Director at Janelia Research Campus/Howard Hughes Medical Institute and previously was the Acting Ombudsman/Director of the Center for Cooperative Resolution at the National Institutes of Health. She was also recently elected to the IOA Board of Directors.

Here is the abstract of the article, "Beyond Problems: The What, Why, and How of Positive Psychology for Organizational Ombuds":
This paper proposes the strategic integration of positive psychology research and interventions into the work of organizational ombuds. The purpose of that integration is to advance the wellbeing of ombuds, our visitors and organizations, and our field. The paper will review the what, why, and how of positive psychology, emphasizing that when to integrate positive psychology into ombuds work is now..
(JIOA 2024.)


  1. Yes! And, as a longtime coach (PCC) I incorporate coaching skills and experience in every appointment. So happy to see the IOA is looking toward understanding / incorporating skills that are so important to supporting visitors.

  2. When emerging Ombuds ask me whether they should take training in mediation or coaching I always suggest coaching (but eventually both). This is because almost all of what we do as Ombuds is helping individuals (typically one-on-one) feel empowered to create change, to become unstuck. And positive psych tools are at the core.
