February 07, 2022

University of São Paulo Appoints Next Ombuds

Marilia Seelaender has been named the Ouvidoria for the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil's largest university. As the Ombuds, Seelander practices to IOA standards and serves "members of the USP community and citizens in general who do not consider themselves satisfactorily served by the usual channels [with] suggestions, complaints and denouncements regarding the activities and University functions." USP has had an Ombuds office since 2018 and Seelander follows Maria das Graças Bomfim de Carvalho.

Seelander earned three degrees from USP, including a PhD in Physiology. She has been a member of the faculty since 1994 and is currently an Associate Professor and head of experimental surgery. (USP Ouvidoria; Orcid.)

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how "practices to IOA standards" and "is currently an Associate Professor and head of experimental surgery" go together, but all the best to Marilia. On a separate note, this post presents a good opportunity for this blog to add "Ouvidor" to the list below.

    Some other variants include:
    Austria -- Ombudsstelle
    Brazil -- Ouvidor
    Croatia -- pravobranitelji
    France -- médiateur/defénseur
    Germany -- Ombudspersonen
    Italy -- difensore
    Netherlands -- ombudspersoon
    Norway -- ombudet
    Poland -- Rzecznik
    Portugal -- provedor
    Russia -- омбудсмен
    Spain -- ombudsman organizacional
    Sweden -- studentombud
    Switzerland -- ombudsmann
