April 20, 2023

Georgetown University Student Ombuds Shares First Annual Report

Georgetown's Student Ombuds, Daniela Brancaforte, has published a report summarizing the work of her office from its start-up in April 2021 through the next full academic year ending in June 2022. During this period, Brancaforte worked with 278 visitors, including nine mediations. In addition, she reached out to faculty and staff for case assistance a total of 109 times. The report captures a range of visitor data and summarizes other activities by the Ombuds. She identified seven trends and systemic issues, and offered six recommendations in response. (Georgetown OSO 2022 Report.)


  1. Wonderful report Daniela! Lot of good information.

    1. Daniela Brancaforte4/25/2023 4:58 AM

      Thank you Reese!
