July 01, 2024

Virginia Institute of Marine Science Creates Ombuds Panel

VIMS, the marine research and education center in Gloucester Point, has unveiled a Graduate Program Ombuds. Comprised of faculty Ombuds and student peer advisors, the volunteer Ombuds assist VIMS graduate students. (VIMS' School of Marine Science is one of a graduate school of the College of William & Mary.) "The School of Marine Science Ombuds are trained faculty volunteers. Peer advisors are trained graduate student volunteers who can assist students by providing a peer's perspective and an additional avenue to ombuds resources." 

The VIMS Ombuds Team is comprised of:
  • Marjy Friedrichs, Professor 
  • Alyson Hall, PhD Student 
  • Colin Hawes, MS Student 
  • Chris Hein, Associate Professor 
  • Anna Poslednik, PhD Student 
  • Deborah Steinberg, CSX Professor 

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