August 16, 2021

A Case Study from Turkey's Only University Ombuds

Gizem Güray, the first Student Ombudsman at Altinbas University (Altınbaş Üniversitesi) in Istanbul, has published a study of her work. The article "Student Ombudsman in Turkey: A Case Study" (Türki̇ye’de Öğrenci̇ Ombudsmanliği: Bi̇r Örnek Olay İncelemesi̇") appears in the June 2021 edition of the journal Academic Ombudsman (Ombudsman Akademik). 

Here's the abstract:
The campus ombudsman, or the office commonly referred to as the student ombudsman, is a mechanism that deals with campus issues, acts as an advisor or mediator for individuals, and also provides feedback for institutions. In this article, a case study examines the student ombudsman office established at Altınbaş University in 2019, and how it contributed to the establishment of good governance principles within the institution. In this context, after the concept of ombudsman and its history are discussed in general terms. The structure, function and development of the student ombudsman, which is one of the organizational ombudsman applications, are discussed. With the presentation of the practice at Altınbaş University, it has been possible to make comparisons with the examples in the world. In the analysis of the effectiveness of the office, the annual report compiled in-house at Altınbaş University and the results of the survey in which the students evaluated the service they received from the unit were used.
Güray will be speaking at the 2021 ENOHE-ACCUO conference. (Ombudsman Akademik.)

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