February 12, 2021

Caffera Responds to University of Mississippi's Motion to Dismiss

The sidelined Ombuds at Ole Miss, Paul Caffera, has filed a response to the university's motion to dismiss his action in Chancery Court. Caffera's response offers several legal and factual reasons for the court to deny the university's motion. The response reveals that the University of Mississippi was seeking the identity of anonymous whistleblowers and suspected Caffera of being involved or knowing their identities. Caffera's response was published by the Mississippi Free Press, which continues to follow the case closely. (Caffera Response; Mississippi Free Press.)

Meanwhile the GoFundMe campaign for Caffera's legal fees has raised $2,245 (out of a $20,000 goal). (GoFundMe.)


  1. It is fundamentally sad when a gofundme for a person who puts glue in their hair gets 10 times the contributions as one for someone sticking up for right, justice, and the protection of workers.

    Maybe Caffera should Gorilla Glue his head?

    1. This response has been gnawing at me for a few days so I'm finally just going to say that I find it in poor taste. Is it really necessary to snark on a Black woman in order to make (what I think is) your point - that ombuds need to do a better job at showing their value and investing people in why it matters?

  2. Not an option for the follicularly challenged.

  3. Any word on what's going on down in bad ol' Mississippi?

  4. I hear he won and is back at work. Can you confirm?

    1. I haven't heard this. Will check and follow up asap.
