September 24, 2024

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Announces Ombuds

Elizabeth Field has been hired as the new Ombuds for ICANN, the nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases that undergird the Internet. she follows Herb Waye, who served in the role from July 2016 until Krista Papac was appointed as the Interim Ombuds in October 2023. Field reports directly to the ICANN board and generally follows IOA standards. However, in some cases, the Ombuds may initiate a formal investigation and make formal recommendations.

Field comes to ICANN from the World Intellectual Property Organization, where she was a Senior HR Consultant for two years. Her professional focus has been wellbeing, conflict, and inclusion and included stints at the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and Amnesty International. She graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington. (Domain Name Wire; LinkedIn.)

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