September 09, 2024

ACCUO Selects Interim Leaders

Following recent changes in its executive executive committee, the Association of Canadian College and University Ombudspersons (Association des ombudsmans des universités et collèges du Canada) has named interim replacements. Permanent committee members will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting in October 2024.

Here are the Interim Executive Committee members:
  • Interim President: Kemi Oke, York University
  • Interim Secretary: Laurel Wilkie, University of Alberta
  • Interim Treasurer: Remonia Stoddart-Morrison, University of Alberta, and Rob Thompson, Camosun College
  • Interim Members at Large: Emma Thacker, University of Toronto Scarborough, and Heather Trojek, Queen's University
  • General Support: Julie Boncompain, Polytechnique Montréal

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