October 22, 2019

Students Petition for Ombuds at University of Utah

Students are demanding changes to improve safety at the public research university in Salt Lake City. They are asking the President to take various accountability and transparency measures and allocate additional resources, including the appointment of the first Student Ombudsman. 

Currently, the university has Ombuds only for faculty on the main and health sciences campus. For a brief time in 2013-14, the U of U also had an Ombuds for student athletes. (The College Post; Medium; Change.org.)

Related posts: University of Utah Appoints Ombuds for Student Athletes; University of Utah Health Sciences Appoints First Ombuds.

1 comment:

  1. At the time of this post (7:22 AM (MDT) on October 22, 2019), 546 people had signed the petition.
