September 26, 2023

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Arranges for Interim Ombuds Services

As the search for its first full-time Ombudsperson stretches into a tenth month, UT Chattanooga has contracted with UT Knoxville to provide Ombuds services. UTK's Campus Ombudsperson, Lisa Yamagata-Lynch, and Associate Ombudsperson, Brooke Wichmann, will serve as Interim Ombuds for faculty and staff at UTC until the national search is completed. 

The UTC Ombuds office was was established by Joanie Sompayrac four years ago as a resource for faculty and administrators. According to the still-open posting, the full-time position has been expanded to serve all faculty and staff. The Ombuds will report to the Chancellor of the University through the Chief of Staff and will practice to IOA standards. Applicants must have an advanced degree and some relevant experience/knowledge. Dispute resolution training, Ombuds experience, or a record of successful conflict resolution is preferred. Applications are still being reviewed. No salary indicated. (UTC Posting; UTC Ombuds.)

1 comment:

  1. If they pay at least the $142,00 Joanie was making it would be a good step.
